Making the Most out of Your Visit to Mom or Dad in Assisted Living

Parents moving to an assisted living community affects the entire family. For most families, a big factor in deciding on the right senior community is the proximity between your homes and the facility. Being able to visit your parents often will help them feel more confident and secure in their decision to choose assisted living. On top of that, making each visit memorable will solidify the fact that their new assisted living community is now home. If you have a loved one who recently moved into assisted living, you might be looking for ways to make the most out of your visits to mom or dad in assisted living the most meaningful. Our experts at Lester Senior Living put a list together of a few ways to make your time together extra special in this transition period.

  1. Keep old traditions alive. Did you always have shabbat dinner with mom on Saturdays? Or would you always watch the game with dad on Sunday? Moving to an assisted living facility doesn’t have to change any of that! Keeping these traditions alive is a great way to merge their old life with their new one.

  2. Try to visit during optimal times. Mom or dad’s schedule may change a little after adjusting to community life. Especially if they start becoming more involved with clubs and other activities onsite. With that said, it may be best to visit right before breakfast, lunch or dinner, so you can really sit down, connect and enjoy a meal together.

  3. Bring the whole family. There’s nothing quite like getting the whole family together for celebrating an event with parents at their new home. The stimulating conversations with their kids, laughing over old memories, and perhaps even the chaos of their grand kids running around could be just what the doctor ordered.

  4. Try something new together. As we mentioned above, mom or dad may be thinking about getting more involved with activities and clubs at their assisted living community. There’s no better way to encourage them to try something new, by doing it together on your visit. For example, if mom has always wanted to take an art class, make her join it at her assisted living community, and go with her. It will give her more confidence to go alone next time and she will incorporate it in her new daily routine.

Quality care at Lester Senior Living

At Lester, an assisted living community in Morris County, we prioritize the quality of life, independence and dignity for all of our residents. With services designed to meet your loved one’s needs and a packed activity calendar, we offer seniors a chance to really build a life within our welcoming community.

To learn more about community life at our assisted living community in New Jersey, contact us today or visit our website at:

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