Mother’s Day Activities for Mom in Memory Care

If this is Mom’s first mother’s day in memory care you both might still be adjusting to the new normal. Our experts at JCHC are here to assure you that although this is not what you are used to, you are still able to make memories together and enjoy the day with mom. We first urge you to understand that mom might not remember it’s mother’s day, if that is the case, as hard as it is just let it be. The focus isn’t on the day itself as it is just spending time together.

Focusing on mom’s favorite activities before her memory started to change is still a great way to make the day about her. If mom loved to bake or cook but can’t do so anymore, make her favorite treat the night before and bring it over to her. The sense of smell is incredibly strong and might bring back fond memories once she smells her favorite foods or even flowers, especially if those smells and sights are associated with mothers days in the past.

Mother’s Day with Dementia Afflicted Seniors

If Mom’s favorite activities can still be done or modified so she can still enjoy them, make the effort to do some with her. If she loves to garden you can bring her some new houseplants and transfer them into decorative planters with her. Gardening has many health benefits such as decreasing stress and anxiety, and can be a good exercise. Having houseplants in the home is also known to brighten moods as well as give responsibility and it helps create a routine.

Everyone enjoys some pampering from time to time, and what a perfect time to pamper mom on mother’s day. She might enjoy you doing her hair for her, or having you paint her nails a nice color for spring. If hair and nails aren’t in your skillset, you can always try a hand and foot massage. It’s guaranteed to feel good and doesn’t require any special skills, just moms preferred lotion.

Getting crafty with activities like scrapbooking is a way to spend your time together and mom gets to keep it when you’re finished. If you’re scrapbooking it might be fun to go through old photos, bringing up forgotten memories. When adding them to the scrapbook, label the photos with the names of the people, activities, and anything else that mom might want to remember about that day. Remember if there is anything mom doesn’t remember avoid trying to remind her of it and don’t argue about it, just move on to another photo.

Remember What They Did For Us on Mothers Day

While your parents may be slowly forgetting things, it is more important than ever that you remember how they have always cared for you, loved you, and supported you.

If you’re looking for a memory care provider for mom to make her journey as comfortable as possible for everyone, our experts at JCHC have a dedicated memory care section, with specific safety features for memory care residents and trained professionals.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us, we would love to hear from you.

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