What are the Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease?



It’s common for many older adults to experience “senior moments.” They have memory lapses, misplace things or forget something they just witnessed. They also may forget the right word for a common object or have trouble performing everyday tasks. The normal process of aging is typically the culprit for “senior moments,” but sometimes there may be something more serious going on like Alzheimer’s disease. 

Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative condition which affects the brain and its ability to function normally in areas such as memory, problem solving and language. Generally, it occurs in people over the age of 65, although in some cases, people develop it in their 40s and 50s. As one of the leading causes of dementia, it is estimated that Alzheimer’s affects around 5 million Americans – a number that is expected to increase as time goes on. In this article, our memory care team in Morris County will go over the signs of this disease, the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia, and how your loved one can receive support for Alzheimer’s disease right now. 

Early signs of Alzheimer’s include:

·        Memory lapses (for example, forgetting where you’ve put something in the house).

·        Forgetting recent events.

·        Getting lost on routes which should be familiar.

·        Missing important appointments or special events.

·        Difficulty recalling a name or word in conversation.

As this is a progressive disease, later symptoms can be more severe:

·        The inability to follow a conversation.

·        Unnecessarily repeating things in conversation.

·        Difficulty carrying out a set of instructions or routine (getting dressed, folding clothes, cooking, etc.).

·        Dramatic personality changes, occasionally accompanied by aggression, irritation and depression.

·        Problems judging distances, navigating physical obstacles and seeing in three-dimensions.

·        Difficulty concentrating.

·        Confusion over dates, times and locations.

The Difference Between Dementia and Alzheimer’s 

Dementia is a category of symptoms grouped around the ability to perform mental tasks, while Alzheimer’s is a disease that has symptoms which fall into the dementia category. There are many forms of dementia, some of which can be treated very successfully. Unfortunately, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s currently and scientists aren’t sure exactly what causes the disease. However, they have concluded from many years of research that genetics, hypertension and the aging process itself are known to be major risk factors.

Memory Care and Support Services in Morris County NJ

At JCHC’s Lester Senior Living, we understand that caring for a loved one who has Alzheimer’s disease can be stressful and emotionally draining. As the disease progresses, it may also become impossible for you to manage without the right support.

This is why we offer specialized memory care services at our Lester Senior Living campus, specifically geared towards assisting people with Alzheimer’s and other dementia diagnoses. Our certified caregivers are able to provide daily support to residents in our Memory Care Suite. These newly renovated apartments have dementia-friendly floor plans to enforce safety and eliminate the risk of emergency care. At Lester, we provide the latest techniques to preserve and maintain cognitive function – ensuring your loved one with Alzheimer’s can maintain their dignity and quality of life at all times. 

To find out more about our memory support services in New Jersey, contact Lester Senior Living today or visit our website at: https://jchcorp.org

The original blog is posted on https://jchcorp.org/symptoms-of-alzheimers-disease/


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