Senior Health and Wellness Tips for Spring
Spring is finally here! Which means it’s time to ditch the lazy winter habits you may have fallen into, like binging Netflix series for days on end and avoiding the cold outdoors. In your defense, snow, ice and freezing temperatures can make it hard for anyone to stay active during the winter, especially seniors. With the arrival of spring, comes a new opportunity to refresh and start over with better lifestyle choices. It’s the perfect time for seniors to get active outside, each and every day.
In honor of new beginnings, we’d like to take this time to highlight some key health and wellness tips that seniors can take advantage of this spring.
- Take up a new physical activity and incorporate it into your daily routine. Whether it’s a daily 30-minute walk or chair yoga class, staying active consistently is so important for seniors both physically and mentally. Exercising on a daily basis has the power to help seniors maintain a healthy weight, reduce stress, and get a better night’s sleep. Not to mention, learning a new skill can also help improve memory recollection, which is huge for those who may be in the beginning stages of dementia.
- Preventative care for seasonal allergies and more. We love spring flowers, but hate the pollen it brings. Before allergies really take their toll, seniors should speak with their primary care provider or allergy specialist about which allergy medications to take and how often. Seniors could also use this as an opportunity to schedule all routine check-ups like prostate or breast cancer screenings, dental cleanings and hearing and vision appointments.
- Prioritize a healthy diet filled with spring fruits and vegetables. Spring is the absolute, ideal time to grow delicious vegetables, fruit and herbs. Asparagus, basil, cucumber, mint, bell pepper, and strawberry are all in season and can be found at the supermarket. Not to mention, gardening is a very rewarding and enjoyable hobby for seniors to take up this time of year. Some of the tasty food items mentioned above can be grown easily indoors in a small container.
Spring activities for seniors at Lester Senior Living in Morris County, NJ
With the weather getting warmer, all JCHC communities are always looking for new, safe ways to stay active with our residents! With effective health and safety protocols in place, we have been able to restore and maintain avenues for senior socialization during COVID-19.
Some activities included chair yoga, celebrations of jewish holidays, and more. We understand the important role socialization plays in everyone’s life and want to ensure our residents can continue these essential activities both indoors and outdoors starting this spring.
For more information on our senior activities in Morris County, New Jersey, please contact Lester Senior Living today or visit our website at:
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