JCHC Seniors Give Valuable Advice

They say with age comes wisdom, but what good is wisdom if it isn’t shared? Younger generations could learn a thing or two from the seniors who are the gatekeepers to this treasure trove of knowledge. Luckily, we’ve asked our gatekeepers (the senior residents at our JCHC communities) to “spread the wealth.” In the segment below, we ask the residents of our senior living communities in NJ to share their best advice, offering nuggets of truth that are short and sweet, yet profoundly impactful to just about anyone. No matter where you are in life, you are bound to relate to at least one of our residents in the video below. Let’s take a closer look: Two Major Takeaways: Follow Your Heart and Plan for The Future You can never go wrong when you follow your heart. Hands down this is the one piece of advice that has to resonate with everyone because every single person has once questioned their purpose or path in life. While some decisions are more complicated than oth...