What is the MMSE and How Does it Screen for Dementia?

Early diagnosis is crucial for providing appropriate care and support to those with dementia. Properly diagnosing this life-altering condition early allows the person with dementia to be more involved in decision making and planning for future care. This is crucial because unfortunately there will come a time when the individual won’t be able to recall short-term memories so easily, if at all. Not to mention, early diagnosis can help keep more unfavorable dementia symptoms at bay like depression, anxiety, and side effects from medications. One valuable tool in this diagnostic process is the Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE). In this article, our dedicated memory care team at Lester Senior Living in Morris County will cover the basics of the MMSE and its role in screening for dementia. The Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE) The MMSE, or Mini Mental Status Exam, is a widely used screening tool designed to assess cognitive function and detect signs of dementia. Developed by Dr. Marsha...