Advice for Families Dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease

If you are caring for a loved one who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, you know how stressful and emotionally taxing your position can be. Due to its progressive nature, your loved one is going to become more and more dependent on your care, so it’s important you have a strong support network for yourself and other family caregivers. Here is some helpful advice for dealing with this challenging time from our memory care team in Morris County, NJ : Know the disease: While most people know what Alzheimer’s disease is in general terms, it’s important for you and your family to understand all the details behind the condition. Speak to your doctor about the various stages of the disease, how it progresses and what symptoms to look for so that you are well prepared for any challenges ahead. Join a support group: For many caregivers and their families, a local Alzheimer’s support group allows you to get essential respite, talk about your concerns and receiv...