How is Passover Celebrated Today?

One of the most exciting events of Spring, especially for JCHC, has to be Passover! For those who may not be familiar, Passover commemorates the liberation of Jews from the Egyptian pharaoh as told in the Book of Exodus. Passover usually lasts between seven and eight days and begins with Seder. During Seder, families gather to retell the heroic story of how the Israelites escaped from Egypt, while enjoying symbolic food and drink like Charoset, matzah, and wine. But how did these symbolic traditions emerge and are they celebrated any differently today? The Origin Story of Passover In order to understand how the Passover traditions came to be, we have to go back to the beginning. As told in the Book of Exodus, the Pharaoh fears that the Jews living in Egypt will overpower the Egyptian people. With this in mind, he decides the best way to preven this is to enforce slavery and demand that male Jewish babies be killed in order to prevent further reproduction o...